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Code / HTML5


CanvasXpress is a javascript library based on the tag implemented in HTML5. I developed this library as the core visualization component for our BMS systems biology platform which I hope to release soon. The basic idea was to have generic and simple way to display genomics data. CanvasXpress supports bar graphs, line graphs, bar-line combination graphs, boxplots, dotplots, area graphs, stacked graphs, percentage-stacked graphs, correlation plots, Venn diagrams, heatmaps, newick trees, 2D-scatter plots, 2D-scatter bubble plots, 3D-scatter plots, pie charts, networks (or pathways), and a genome browser. It also supports a few data transformations like log and exponential transformation, z-score, percentile transformation and ratio. It also support grouping of samples, zooming, events ... yada, yada, yada ... and more importantly I created an Ext panel for it. Take a look.

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