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Magento 2 Custom Price Extension

Code / PHP


Sometimes store owner is selling multiple products and services with fluctuated prices for which products store owner is unable to set fixed price or store owners may want to negotiate with users before payments. Even sometimes store owner wants to encourage their customers to pay more or accept charity or donations. For that purpose, MageComp has developed Magento 2 Custom Price Extension that allows the store customer to enter their price to buy the product directly from store frontend. The extension enables store admin to set the minimum product price globally or product specific from the store backend if needed. By default, Magento 2 does not allow users to checkout with pricing that varies per transaction but using an extension your customer will get the freedom to check out a product with their custom price. Why choose MageComp’s Magento 2 Custom Price Extension: • You can use Custom Price Extension for various types of products, some of them are : 1. Get customer price for the product 2. Products with fluctuated prices 3. Requirement based product 4. Service products 5. To offer discounts on bulk purchase 6. Products with undefined prices 7. Accept donation etc... • Using an extension you can set minimum custom price globally or specific to some products. • Backend option to set custom frontend label on the product page. • Displays warning if customer enter price below set a minimum amount.

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